It’s a boy! DNA test shows sex of National Zoo’s new panda cub
On October 5, the National Zoo announced the sex of Mei Xiang’s newest cub. The cub was born on August 21. DNA testing was used to determine it is a boy. This test is the best way to tell the gender since male and female panda cubs look alike. Their…
Rare albino panda photographed in China
An all-white giant panda is roaming a forest in the Sichuan province of China. This rare bear was caught on camera in a nature reserve. It is believed to be one to two years old, and in healthy condition. The reserve will install more infrared cameras to follow the panda’s…
Panda takes a stroll through town
In May 2018, a giant panda wandered through a village in southwestern China. She seemed to be looking for food. She didn’t seem to mind the large group of people who watched her explore the town. Researchers identified the panda as Zhenzhen. She had been raised in captivity, then released…
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